Here's a talk I hope some people from the WITSML/PRODML community sit in on.In the end analysis, success for architecture is measured by its ability to assimilate changes in mission, implementation, interconnection, and scope without the need for incompatible changes. Put succinctly, 20 years into an architecture, success is measured by the ability of systems implemented on Day One to interoperate unchanged with systems implemented on Day 20369.How do you think WITSML has measured up in only five years or so?
The WITSML SIG has paid lots of lip service, but expended very little real effort on, interop. The attitude of vendors and customers alike has been, "We will upgrade the planet wholesale to each new rev". We are reaping what they've sown: still haven't run into a 1.3.1 server in the wild, have you?
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